Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Chief is a 45 year old medicine hat paint gelding, When we first picked Chief up from the kill pen I honestly had no clue we were getting him. My oldest son went with me to the kill pen. Needless to say we ended up with another horse. Chief was very badly sick and very poor, he was also a little scared of the other horses. When we got to him he had pinned himself up in a corner. Today we still have Chief he is a permeant resident here at the rescue. Chief has earned hi place at the top of the picking line around here. Chief is a big goofball and extremely set in his ways. He was the first rescue horse we had here at the rescue. The trip home with this guy was very interesting and time consuming, but well worth it.

Zena was a 18 year old thoroughbred quarter horse cross, she came to us from a kill pen. She was a good weight but her hooves were in horrible shape and she had trouble walking. She also had large calcium deposits on her back legs. I actually took Zena in as a personal horse for my son. She can only do light riding now, and she gets older her legs get worse so she requires meds when being worked, and in the winter. Zena is food aggressive but she is a total sweet heart and loves children and attention. She definitely had a large personality. She got down and couldn't get back up. She had stopped eating her grain and was barley eating hay. She crossed over to greener grass and is not suffering anymore.

This is Hank. Hank was a 10 year old Varnish Appaloosa Quarter Gelding. Hank was an owner surrender to us in 2018, he was moonblind with cancer in his eyes and he had heaves. We treated his heaves and eyes with eye drops and Bantamine for a few weeks. Then we treated with unaprim and eyedrops for a little while longer. His eyes started to clear up a little bit with this care. Later his eyes and heaves got alot worse and we treated with dex. He just wasn't getting any better at all. In August of 2020 he was at his all time worst he couldnt gain weight, he was loosing weight dramatically and just suffering. So as a board we decided it was time to end his suffering. Rest in peace Hank.

This is Roana. Roana was a 20 plus year old Red Roan Quarter horse Mare. Roana was saved from an auction barn in 2019, she had curly hair, which is a sign of Cushions disease. She was severely underweight and was missing several teeth and she also had a busted mouth. She had a Squamous cell cancer of the vulva and vaginal area. We treated her for a couple weeks but it was winter when we got her and she got down one night and refused to get up and we could not help her anymore. So we ended her suffering that night. She is now no longer in pain or suffering.

This is Amos. Amos was a 16 year old Belgian Gelding. He was rescued from a kill byer from Goreville in 2017. when we got him him he was treated for fever and cough with penicillin. He was then adopted out and he was returned with rope burns and he was very emaciated. We worked with him and treated his burns and put some groceries on him and we were working on getting him up to par and just as we were getting him to where he needed to be weight wise he started choking on us when he ate grain. He got to where he could not eat grain at all, the vet came out and we discovered a cancerous spot in his throat that was causing an obstruction of his esophagus. Vet said he couldn't be saved, shortly after that he started getting cancerous spots all over his body. We all as a board made the decision after about 4 times of choking bad that we needed to end his suffering. He went to the greener side

This is Flash. Flash was said to be an 18 year old Quarter Horse Gelding. the vet checked him and said he was actually 25 plus. Flash was rescued from a kill pen by an individual in 2018. He was severely underweight, he had rain rot, his hoofs were in bad shape. When we got him we started him on uniprim just incase of any underlying conditions. We also started him on feeding program to gain weight. Not long after he choked on us we had vet come out and started rounds of penicillin and then excide injections, after that we noticed some unusual behaviors, these behaviors led to the vet saying he was having seizures and we also found out he was swelling in his hind gut. He eventually was so bad we could no longer keep him from swelling and having seizures. In 2018 he had to be layed to rest.

This is Tex. Tex was a 20 year old Quarter Horse Gelding. Tex was an EXCPTIONAL case. He was on owner surrender. When we arrived to get him he had been attacked by dogs. We had to rush him to the vet where his wounds were investigated and we found that he had contracted tons of maggots living in these wounds. The vet did everything she could to remove all the maggots and all the infected tissue. She sent us home with medicines and taught us how to do what is called hydro-therapy. We treated with antibiotics and uniprim and banamine. When doing the therapy we had to take a high pressure hose and spray all the bad tissue out and we had to pull all the hard tissue that was forming off. We then sprayed it down with scarlet oil, which ate away at the bacteria, which kept new tissue constantly growing. He also had small lacerations we had to treat. We got him gaining weight and his tissue and muscle was growing back when we found a small hole at his hoof that was missed. He contacted an infection through that and it had quickly entered his blood stream. We tried to treat the infection with an infusion treatment and sulfate tabs in his feed and also giving bute paste, but it was spreading faster than we could treat it. Sadly he was going down hill fast and then started suffering with really bad pain and stress. He was then euthanized by our vet as we thought we should end his suffering

This is Neagan. Neagan was a 10 year old Quarter Horse Gelding. HE was rescued from Bastrop Kill pen in Louisiana. He was very emaciated and this was his last stop before he was taken to the slaughter house. We re fed him and adopted him out. We then had to go seize him at his residence where we found him and he was propped up on his hay bale, he couldn't walk, he could not detect where sound was coming from, he had no idea where he was, his hair was falling out and he had multiple gashes on him. We took him to the vet where we tried to treat him foe every thing we could think of, We were trying to do research to figure out what exactly was wrong with him. He was suffering this whole time. We then come to the conclusion he should not be suffering any longer .
This is Ahkeem. Ahkeem was a 21 year old Arabian Gelding. He was an owner Surrender case. He was in a decent condition when we got him. He needed some groceries. We had him on our refeeding program, which was helping. We had him evaluated by a vet when we started noticing some issues which ended up being bone cancer and he had to be euthanized due to pain. He is now no longer suffering.
Arapahoe was a 20+ leopard appaloosa gelding , he came to the rescue through owner surrender with two other horses. The other horse were rehomed with great families and are happy in their new homes. Arapahoe however had several issues with ulcers and strongyles worms. we had him on the refeeding program here at the rescue and was given medicine to help with his ulcers his weight gain was slow but steady. He has a huge heart and pays very close attention to what he is asked to do.. He loves his food and his alfalfa and he loves attention as long as you don’t want to touch his face. Unfortunately he lost his battle with weight gain and just couldn't help himself anymore.