ASP.NET Zero 6.9.0 2021
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I've been looking to upgrade from ANZ 6.9.0 to ANZ 9.1.0, but I'm not ready to take on that upgrade effort yet, so I was hoping that downgrading from dotnet core 2.2 to dotnet core 2.1 would be a simpler approach.
Any thoughts on how I could more easily downgrade? Is there an ANZ v6.9.1 project available that targets dotnet core 2.1 already?(The site is down at the moment for maintenance, so I can't check it myself).
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This release introduces the features, enhancements and bug fixes as detailed below:New FeaturesPDFNEWNET-9261 - Add support of XHTML-formatted rich text fields valuePDFNEWNET-30404 - Allow to justify the text in the multiline text box while filling the valuePDFNEWNET-31199 - check if the source PDF is corruptedPDFNEWNET-32052 - Add support to Add Image Field typeEnhancementsPDFNEWNET-30082 - Add support of Stream in CreateFileAttachment (... ) methodPDFNEWNET-31533 - PDF generation time should be reduced.PDFNEWNET-33143 - IIndexBitmapConverter and related SaveAsTIFF methods are not availablePDFNEWNET-33447 - Checkbox should be display "X" in checked statePDFNEWNET-33209 - PngDevice memory leak - pins alot of byte[] in memoryPDFNEWNET-29975 - PdfMend works slowPDFNEWNET-31762 - Add support for rendering of XFA formsExceptionsPDFNEWNET-29399 - NullReferenceException when converting PDF to PNGPDFNEWNET-30078 - Exception in HTML to PDF (Length cannot be less than zero.)PDFNEWNET-33190 - NullReferenceException occurs when saving a PDF after Deleting a Page from PDFPDFNEWNET-33313 - Can't initialize IPdfStreamAccessor Exception on copying PDFPDFNEWNET-33325 - Unsupported annotation type 'Redact' was encounteredPDFNEWNET-33400 - Input String was not in correct format ( PDF/A conversion)PDFNEWNET-33401 - Index was outside the bounds of the array (PDF/A Conversion)PDFNEWNET-33407 - ArgumentException when attempting to Sign/Save PDFPDFNEWNET-33390 - Incorrect font character encodingPDFNEWNET-33397 - Cross reference table or cross reference stream not found (v6.8)PDFNEWNET-33329 - Exception occurs while loading PDF documentBugsPDFNEWNET-29161 - PdfViewer does not print PDF filePDFNEWNET-30179 - Issue in PDF to PNG ConversionPDFNEWNET-30292 - PDF to Image conversion is not correctPDFNEWNET-30506 - Problem rendering PDF to PNGPDFNEWNET-30732 - Table has wrong height when text height is setPDFNEWNET-31327 - Image is not added correctly in the PDF filePDFNEWNET-31400 - Replacing text over PDF document for more than one time, increases document sizePDFNEWNET-31748 - Not able to append multiple filesPDFNEWNET-31925 - Highlight Annotations rendering oddly when converting Pdf Document to PNG ImagesPDFNEWNET-31945 - Page is not rendered properly in 6.3 (and 6.4)PDFNEWNET-32306 - FillField crashing on on PDFs created in Adobe LifeCyclePDFNEWNET-33123 - PdfConverter problem: Generated images rotate 180 degrees.PDFNEWNET-33172 - Unable to apply form field fontsPDFNEWNET-33270 - Black boxes instead of letters in imagePDFNEWNET-33272 - PDF forms filling using a PDF form and a XFDF file does not work correctPDFNEWNET-33279 - Application Hangs when converting PDF to JPG using PdfConverterPDFNEWNET-33280 - Cut out header when converting PDF to JPEG using PdfConverterPDFNEWNET-33290 - Problem whlie filling PDF formPDFNEWNET-33293 - Z-Index creating problem in Aspose.Pdf v6.7PDFNEWNET-33300 - Read pdf error: Cross Reference Table or Cross Reference Stream not FoundPDFNEWNET-33304 - Unable to convert attached file into PNG image using PngDevicePDFNEWNET-33307 - PDF to Image conversion gives a black and white imagePDFNEWNET-33306 - Blue tint after converting PDF to imagePDFNEWNET-33308 - Change orientation to portrait when splitting landscape PDFPDFNEWNET-33319 - PDF getting Corrpupted when deleting AnnotationPDFNEWNET-33320 - PDF to HTML conversion issuePDFNEWNET-33323 - Embedded font corrupted when first page removedPDFNEWNET-33331 - Output file was not producedPDFNEWNET-33341 - PDF to PNG conversion issuePDFNEWNET-33354 - Black background when converting PDF to TIFF formatPDFNEWNET-33358 - Fix postscript function EvaluatorPDFNEWNET-33378 - Footer problem using HTMLPDFNEWNET-33382 - When converting HTML page to PDF, the text size becomes largePDFNEWNET-33385 - When trying to save the PDF file in LaTex format, I am getting an error messagePDFNEWNET-33399 - Problem while converting PDF to PDF/APDFNEWNET-33408 - Conversion from PDF to image hangPDFNEWNET-33412 - DecorateField() font and font size do not workPDFNEWNET-33417 - Error when accessing to document object (Each key should be Pdf Name)PDFNEWNET-33418 - Error on document loadingPDFNEWNET-33419 - Background in PDF file is ignored when converted to XPS formatPDFNEWNET-33421 - The problem with Japanese characters in bookmarksPDFNEWNET-33422 - XPS to PDF conversion issuePDFNEWNET-33423 - Adding a stamp to PDF file, produces large size PDF document. PDFNEWNET-33424 - ASCII85Decode filter returns wrong outputPDFNEWNET-33431 - The file size grows with every PdfContentEditor.Save callPDFNEWNET-33441 - Object is incorrectly saved with incremental updatePDFNEWNET-33448 - Aspose.Pdf.InteractiveFeatures.Forms.CheckboxField class has no constructorPDFNEWNET-33450 - Resultant PDF huge in size after stamping with PdfFileStampPDFNEWNET-33462 - Inserting FormFields in an existing file hangsPDFNEWNET-33179 - Background image not rendering while converting XSL-FO to PDFPDFNEWNET-33211 - Difficulty Parsing PDF to Text using Aspose.PDF and Adobe Save as TextPDFNEWNET-33191 - Formatting lost after HTML to PDF conversionPDFNEWNET-33442 - Page orientation is not being honoured during printingPDFNEWNET-33193 - Not able to Merge Large PDF Files
If these conditions are met, when the affected routine is opened in the Logix Designer ladder logic editor, all rungs within that routine are missing and the number of rungs reported by the Controller Organization within Logix Designer is zero. If the affected routine is opened an empty rung is added and project validation fails. However, if the affected routine is not opened, project validation will pass and allow download of the application to the controller with the affected routine now missing all rungs within the controller. 2b1af7f3a8