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We offer a Foster Program to those who want to help out the rescue. As a foster, we would try to match you with a horse we think would be a good fit for your experience or you have the option to pick a horse or horses yourself. Most of the horses we allow to go to foster homes may still need some weight or finished out. A lot of horses we send to foster homes need more one on one time than we can give them. As a foster, you would also get first pick on a horse you are fostering when the horse is ready to go to a new home. Our fosters, just like our adopters, have a contract to fill out. You can read it over below. For more information on our foster program, you can reach out by phone, email or Facebook.

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© 2023 A&A Horse Haven INC.

Boaz, KY

April Pearson

Tel. (270) 564 - 7177

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